The team at Frost Creative has put together these seven key steps to help you set up an effective brand campaign, which will engage your customers every time:

Be targeted
One of the main problems with brand campaigns is businesses set out to “woo customers” without defining precisely who those customers are. It’s not enough to say we need to attract more sales. Your campaign needs to be incredibly, precisely targeted or it won’t work. Use customer personas to clearly identify who your ideal customer is and it will help you to hone your target audience more clearly, ready for your campaign.

Plan the media correctly to reach the right people
Again, knowing your customers very clearly will help you with this stage. If you have too broad an audience, you won’t be able to identify how to reach them and could end up spending money on media which is not relevant. If you target your audience very precisely it makes it far easier to research exactly which type of media will be most relevant to reach them. You can then plan your media campaign accordingly.

Have a website set up to capture leads
You need your brand campaign to lead somewhere and it needs to be measurable, so create a campaign website to capture leads – that way you can drive all the media traffic towards it and you’ll know exactly how successful your brand campaign has been.

Consistent and engaging message
Once you have your audience, media and end website all planned out you can start the creative side of the campaign, which is developing the message. It needs to be clear and consistent and in line with the overall campaign goals. But above all, it needs to work for your target customer – it needs to be engaging.

Compelling creative
Your message needs to be delivered somehow, so the next step is your creative approach and to decide exactly how your message will be delivered and what it will look like visually – you need to consider colours, fonts, branding etc… Again, your creative approach will need to be appropriate for your audience and the chosen media channels, as well as fitting with your messaging.

The next step is to decide exactly what content you are creating – this will be developing the copy for the campaign and choosing imagery, music, voice over – all of the elements that will make up the actual campaign content.

Collateral or direct mail
The final choice is to decide the format to use for the content – are you going to create lots of different pieces of collateral? Will it be multimedia, interactive, or will it be more traditional printed direct mail?

Creating an effective brand campaign needs to start with a strategic targeted approach.  You need to know your audience and where to find them, followed by the development of creative content that will engage and appeal to them and will work in the chosen media plan.

If you would like to talk to the team at Frost Creative about creating a brand campaign for your business, then please give us a call today.